Healing is a Journey
My work complements
traditional pelvic care,
providing integrated, restorative intervention and supportive
care to your clients
healing journey.
Wombspaces uses evidence-based scar tissue remediation, combining hands-on therapies and embodiment practices
This work supports clients in their ongoing healing journey
Questions & Insights
Patients are often told they will heal in time.
What’s not often talked about: what are they healing from, and how?
Patients often face isolation, anxiety, and depression.
Overwhelmed, they may ignore or settle with the discomfort and pain felt in their new bodies. Education and remediation tools can help.
Those who’ve just gone through the birthing process have lots of questions and are looking for support in various ways.
Scar tissue of all types is common post-birth. Scar tissue can create a cascade of impact, distorting organs, structural alignment, and healthy sexual function
Turbulent emotions can knock you this way and that. The feeling of a diminished voice is also common, because new mothers can only heed the call of the new child.
Our relationship to identity changes as we become parents, and this transformation is a process that requires caring attention. Additionally, a parent’s unresolved trauma can be passed to the new child.
“When health care teams leverage complementing treatments, patients experience better health outcomes.”
Your patients and clients will:
-resolve scar tissue and learn how to examine their relationship with their body and themselves
-explore embodiment practices designed to support them, and at their own pace
-learn an anatomical language that will reshape their neuroception and how to inhabit their nervous system
-receive the highest quality pelvic care inclusive of meaningful education
-see scars improve and their relationship to themselves transform
-learn agency over their body & how to become an empowered receiver
Working together, patient care comes full circle.